
2011年5月11日 星期三

德國漢堡大學社會學研究所Sonja Drobnic教授訪台活動

東海大學社會學系邀請德國漢堡大學社會學研究所(University of Hamburg) Sonja Drobnic教授訪台活動介紹︰

講題︰Quality of Work and Quality of Life in Europe

時間︰2011517 (星期二) 上午1020中午1210


主講人:Sonja Drobnic (Professor of Sociology, University of Hamburg)

主持人:蔡瑞明 教授兼系主任 (東海大學社會學系)

講題︰Work-Life Balance as an Indicator of Job Quality in Europe

時間︰2011519 (星期四) 下午230下午430


主講人:Sonja Drobnic (Professor of Sociology, University of Hamburg)

主持人:伊慶春 研究員 (中央研究院社會學研究所)


時間︰2011520 (星期五) 下午330下午530


主持人:蘇國賢 教授兼系主任 (台灣大學社會學系)

陳玉華 副教授 (台灣大學生物產業傳播暨發展學系,人口與性別研究中心)

Sonja Drobnic教授簡介

Sonja Drobnic is Professor of Sociology at the University of Hamburg, Germany. She is Fellow of the European Academy of Sociology. She was Fellow at Harvard University and Research Fellow at KU Leuven and Stockholm University. Her current research focuses on social stratification and gender inequalities, job quality and work-family issues, social networks, and life-course research and methods. Publications include Careers of Couples in Contemporary Societies. From Male Breadwinner to Dual-Earner Families (edited with H.-P. Blossfeld, 2001, Oxford University Press) and Dividing the Domestic: Men, Women and Household Work in Cross-National Perspective (edited with J. Treas, 2010, Stanford University Press).

